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Premier Repiping Services in Lower Mainland

Repiping involves replacing old or damaged plumbing pipes within your property. This process is crucial for maintaining water quality, preventing leaks, and ensuring the overall safety and efficiency of your plumbing system. A2B Plumbing & Heating is your trusted partner for comprehensive repiping services in Lower Mainland. Our experienced team is committed to upgrading your plumbing system with efficient and durable solutions. Whether it’s aging pipes or you’re considering switching to copper piping, we have the expertise to ensure a smooth transition.

Worried About Old Plumbing? Repiping Could Be Your Solution!

Several factors can necessitate repiping in your home:

  • Aging Pipes: Galvanized steel and polybutylene (PEX-AL-PEX) pipes used in older homes are prone to corrosion, leaks, and bursts as they deteriorate over time.
  • Frequent Repairs: If you constantly experience repairs due to leaks, pinhole cracks, or other pipe issues, repiping might be a more cost-effective solution in the long run.
  • Low Water Pressure: Worn-out or clogged pipes can restrict water flow, leading to reduced water pressure throughout your home.
  • Renovations: Repiping may be advisable during major renovations to improve the functionality and lifespan of your plumbing system.
A2B Plumbing technician in Burnaby, BC, inspecting a residential home for re-piping needs.

Why Re-Piping in Lower Mainland is Necessary?

Repiping not only resolves existing plumbing issues but also prevents future problems. It enhances water quality, increases property value, and ensures you comply with local building codes. Investing in repiping safeguards your home against costly water damage and potential health risks.

A2B Plumbing technician in Burnaby, BC, carefully replacing old pipes in a residential home's plumbing system.

Poly-B Pipe Repair and Replacement in Lower Mainland

If your Burnaby home was built between 1978 and 1995, you might have polybutylene (Poly-B) pipes, known for their potential long-term issues like cracking, leaking, and even bursting. At A2B Plumbing and Heating, we offer comprehensive Poly-B repair and replacement services. Our experienced plumbers can assess your Poly-B plumbing, determine the best approach (repair or replacement), and ensure your home is equipped with a reliable and durable plumbing system.

Copper Pipe Repair and Replacement Experts in Lower Mainland

Copper pipes are renowned for their durability and reliability, but even the sturdiest materials can face wear and tear over time. At A2B Plumbing and Heating, we are your Burnaby experts for copper pipe repair and replacement. Our seasoned plumbers can accurately diagnose leaks, cracks, or other issues, prioritizing repairs with high-quality materials when possible. If replacements are necessary, we’ll guide you through the process and ensure a smooth installation of new copper pipes

How A2B Helps with Repiping

Don’t let outdated plumbing systems compromise your home’s safety and comfort. Contact A2B Plumbing and Heating today for a professional consultation and discuss your repiping needs in Burnaby! We’ll ensure your home is equipped with a reliable and long-lasting plumbing system for years to come.


Signs include frequent leaks, water discoloration, and low water pressure.

The duration depends on the house’s size and complexity but typically takes a few days to a week.

We strive to minimize disruption, using strategic planning to limit the impact on your daily life.

In most cases, you won’t need to move out completely. However, depending on the project’s scope, temporary relocation might be necessary for specific areas. We discuss these details during the consultation.

If you have any emergency plumbing need, simply call us 24 hours.

Call A2B for Fast & Reliable Plumbing, Heating & Cooling Services

+1 (604) 764-6267

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