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The Lower Mainland is gearing up for another scorcher! While sunshine and warm days are welcome, nobody enjoys battling stifling heat inside their home. To ensure your air conditioner keeps you cool all summer long, a little pre-season prep goes a long way. Here are 10 ways to get your Lower Mainland AC ready to battle the heat.

Clear Debris Around the Condenser

Your air conditioner’s condenser unit, that large metal box outside, works hard to remove heat from your home. To keep it functioning efficiently, it needs good airflow. Clear away any debris like branches, leaves, or ferns that might have accumulated around or on top of the unit. This simple step ensures your AC stays cool and continues to keep you comfortable all summer long for all your cooling needs.

Empty And Adjust The Condenser Fins

Using a drill with no cord, remove the top protective screen on the condenser unit after making sure the AC unit is off and the circuit breaker is off. The condenser fan assembly is removed along with the top. Maintain the cables connecting the fan to the condenser in place. There could occasionally be a wire harness that is simple to snap on and off. Unplug the cables if that’s the case. Light from the inside of the housing unit should be directed outside to examine the fins. Use a cheap metal-tined fin comb to straighten out any crushed fins, if there are any. The goal of fin repairs is to increase airflow; however, they never remain perfectly ideal.

Image of a technician adjusting condenser fins for optimal AC performance.

Clean AC Coils on the Condenser

Don’t underestimate the cleaning power of those winding metal tubes – that’s your AC’s coil system! To tackle built-up grime, grab a specialized AC foaming coil cleaner. Drench the coils from the inside with a generous amount of foam (think heavy snowfall!). Let it work its magic for 15-20 minutes, then thoroughly rinse the foam away with a watering can or sprayer. Remember, a gentle touch is key – use a wide or fine spray to avoid bending the delicate aluminum fins.

Image of a technician inspecting the AC condenser pad for maintenance.

Change the Filters

Airflow and AC efficiency are decreased by dirty air filters. Changing the filter each time you turn on the air conditioner for the season is a smart idea. Search the air handler cabinet’s box-shaped interior for the filter. To buy a new filter, use the size markings on the existing one. An internal duct called the “air return” circulates room air back to the air conditioner. There may be a filter in your home’s air return system. If that’s the case, it’s often dirtier than the air handler cabinet filter.

Inspect and Clean Vents

Spider webs, dust, and pet hair are frequently gathered around air vents, sometimes called registers, which are found on floors, walls, or ceilings. Regular cleaning and inspection of these vents are crucial to preserving ideal circulation and indoor air quality. To carefully clear the material and maintain the vents’ safe position, use a shop or household vacuum with a brush attachment. By doing this easy maintenance on your air conditioning, you can guarantee cleaner living quarters and effective HVAC system functioning.

Image of a technician cleaning air ducts, improving indoor air quality.


Optimize Thermostat Settings

A programmable thermostat allows you to set different temperatures for different times of day. Adjust your settings to automatically raise the temperature slightly when you’re away or sleeping. Every degree you raise the thermostat can save you up to 3% on your cooling costs. This small tweak, combined with other cooling strategies, keeps you comfortable without breaking the bank.

Seal Air Leaks

Summer sneaks in through tiny cracks! Before the heat arrives, hunt down air leaks around windows, doors, and electrical outlets. These sneaky culprits force your AC to work harder, driving up energy bills. Seal them with caulk or weatherstripping – a simple step for a cool and cost-efficient summer!

Schedule a Tune-Up

Don’t let summer catch your AC unprepared! Just like your car needs a regular oil change, schedule a professional tune-up for your air conditioner before the heat arrives. This proactive step ensures your cool comfort throughout the season. A qualified technician will perform a thorough inspection, similar to a car’s checkup. They’ll meticulously clean the coils, which are vital for efficient heat exchange. They’ll also check refrigerant levels, the lifeblood of your AC system, ensuring optimal cooling capacity. Additionally, the technician will inspect belts, motors, and electrical connections, to ensure everything is running smoothly and efficiently.

By following these simple tips, you can ensure your AC is in top shape to tackle the summer heat. Remember, a well-maintained AC unit not only keeps you cool and comfortable but can also save you money on your energy bills. So, take some time now to prep your AC and enjoy a cool and refreshing summer! Ready to schedule your pre-season tune-up? Call a trusted Lower Mainland HVAC contractor today!



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